Monday, December 22, 2008

Cabin Fever

I discovered a new side of myself last week.  While home for a full week after a 13 hour ER visit on Monday, I realized that sometimes I lose faith.  

Cooking only aggravated me, stretching and running were totally out of the question, TV left me annoyed, my book was anti climatic, and I couldn't pray if my life depended on it.  Literally crying for no reason, my temper was short and patience took a vacation.  

It wasn't until Saturday morning that I started to feel slightly hopeful again... and then Sunday, a miracle happened.  Joe and I had a fabulous day of church, cooking brunch together (Sunday potatoes and over-easy eggs with a side of fresh grapes and clementines) and watching movies curled up on the couch.  It lit a fire between the two of us that was gone for the week that I was ill, and I am very thankful.  

I'm posting this because I wasn't feeling the Christmas spirit and then out of no where it hit me like a freight train.  Thank God!  While this has nothing to do with the media and only a little to do with comfort food, it has everything to do with recognizing that this is not the end of the world.  Sickness comes and goes and fear is natural, but useless.  

The week is over and Christmas is in a few days. I'm finally excited and looking forward to the 2009.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Culinary Careers

I think there is something in the water or perhaps it's the weather, either way, culinary careers are the hot topics.  

First I listened to Leonard Lopate interview Tom Colicchio and the head master of the French Culinary Institute.  They spoke of many different offerings of a culinary degree and even mentioned where I work, The Food Network.  Go onto to hear the interview - it's fairly interesting especially when they consider the current recession to be Natural Selection for the truly amazing restaurants of New York (only the best will survive).

Second, I just found this article about a personal friend of mine, Kyle Shadix.  He is a dietician, chef and public speaker - he also encouraged me to really start this blog.  A wonderful man and in this article he discusses how careers in nutrition are the smart way to go.  Regardless of our economy, people care about what they eat and how they consume.  Read  Dietician: Recipe for a Healthy Career for more information. 

Happy reading!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

So what if I don't have cable?

It is true, I may not be able to catch Top Chef, the Food Network, Discovery or National Geographic.  I may have missed Britney Spears's documentary or the second season of Mad Men. However, I am surrounded by culture and culinary updates right on Public Broadcast, PBS & NYC TV.

Yesterday, Saturday, poor Joe was ill, so we stayed in all day.  I went for my run (completed my first 5 miles, by the way), came home and cleaned up, and then began to cook.  Nothing over the top, but Italian aromas filled the apartment - roasted red pepper, tomato sauce, saute of mushrooms and kale... and then eventually some chicken soup.

Getting restless with reruns of Friends and Will and Grace, I took myself back in the kitchen for some putzing around.  Upon returning to the couch with my beloved glass of Carrascal/Mendoza (45% Malbec, 35% Merlot & 20% Cab Sauv.) we turned to NYC TVs (channel 25 around here) travel hour and then culinary hour!  What a treat!

First we travelled to Western African villages with a photographer, who's name is escaping me but images have been delightfully burned in my mind.  Next were several villages/tribes nestled between Tibet and China - Joe and I loved the elephants and are considering one for our backyard, just think of a really large dog.

And then, my favorite shows: Lidia's Italy & Brindiamo!  Lidia made this beautiful monk fish and artichoke brodetto (which Joe and I are going to replicate tonight for date night) and served it with saute of onions and fennel (my new flavor - fennel).  On Brindiamo! the host (I forget her name but she is fabulous and 100% Italian) travelled to Luzo's Ristorante for some Pizza.  Enough said.  Mid way through the show, Joe was feeling better and I was craving some grandma's pie from Graziella's, our neighborhood pizza place. 

Once the pizza arrived we were back on PBS for a classic Woody Allen film.

I fell asleep with my head on Joe's lap full of good food, inspiring images, and excitement for the snow that was coming down outside.

Happy Weekends!!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Since when do we answer to them?

I just read the first few lines of this article and it drove me a little insane.  So, since when does the FDA answer to big business?  Since now, apparently.

Read FDA may approve stevia-based sweeteners, and you'll see what I'm talking about.

I guess my confusion stems from the very basic question: what is wrong with sugar in the raw?

Monday, December 1, 2008

Finding your comfort...

...after a long holiday weekend.

Ahhh, Thanksgiving.  Family, friends, more family, more friends, drinks, food, traffic, phone calls, text messages, yadda, yadda, yadda.  Going home is a wonderful thing, but it comes with a price.  

When I was in college it was easy and care free.  Hangovers were expected and easily dealt with; going from one house to the next was fine because, hey, you can always sleep when you are dead! 

Now?  Not so much.

Responsibilities abound and expectations are high.  Needless to say, I'm exhausted and think I need more time off, however, this is not an option.  Tonight, I needed comfort - and that is what I made:  Putanesca Sauce with Porccini Ravioli.

Putanesca Sauce
5 anchovies, 1/2 red onion, 2 cloves garlic, 6 sm. portabella mushrooms, small hand full of kalmata olives, 1 can whole tomatoes, red pepper, parsley.  Sautee everything in olive oil except the can of tomatoes... after 10 minutes, add the can.  Include 1/2 a can of water and let condense.

Serve over pasta or... whatever.  It's delicious and brings me back to the reality I was absent from for 4 days.

Welcome home!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Happy Holidays - a few articles

In between feasting on pies, potatoes, roasted beasts and savory drinks, indulge in a few of these thought provoking articles.

1. 50 percent more US children went hungry in 2007 by Michael J. Sniffen. The statistics are frightening and feel as though they may be hitting closer to home. Makes you want to help out in anyway that you can (ie: donate food, work in a soup kitchen, make a meal to share).

2. There was this great little article in the Trenton Times today, Blitzed with toy ads, cash-strapped parents push back, by David Crary. I can't seem to find it online, but check out the Campaign for a Commercial Free Childhood website. The gist is that parents are asking toy makers to ease up on marketing to their children because they aren't able to buy everything their children see and then want on TV or in video games, etc. The toy execs, in turn, are saying that they have to market so that children are able to stay up to date with the "latest and greatest". Interesting and disturbing.

3. Thoreau's observation in the beginning of this article says it all - I feel I have my life goal laid out in front of me. Read and flip through the pictures of England’s Culinary Wild West by Henry Shukman for the NY Times, and you'll know what I mean. It is yet another story about sustainable agriculture, local harvest and community. To be quite honest, I can't get enough of it. Every time I read one of these it makes me feel all warm with purpose.

Happy reading and munching!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Land of Opportunity...

These past few weeks have been a whirlwind for me (hence the lack of writing).  Every once in a while I think it necessary to observe and get involved.  While work has picked back up, my social life has found itself bouncing from events to lectures to tastings to runs.  In one word: exciting.  I consider myself very fortunate to live in a city where one night you're joining a marathon and the next evening you are at a book launch for a new comic about Isadora Duncan.  Only in New York.

So please allow me to take a quick moment to put everything together - because that is what I do, I find the through line. 

I had been feeling lazy, as if I'd completely abandoned my inner athlete.  In order to get her back, I started running.  Just a little bit each day; but getting my butt out there, more or less.  To keep myself motivated, I joined The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Team In Training.  Now, I will run a marathon (26.2 miles) on May 3rd and raise $2,600 for a wonderful cause.  The night I signed up I was speechless - the energy of hundreds of people gathered for the same reason.  Talk about finding a new community - not to mention being part of it.

Here is a link to the donations page!  If you can give, please consider. It is a great cause and we've all been effected by cancer in one way or another. 

Wednesday, was the Isadora Duncan book launch.  An incredibly illustrated comic book about the Mother of Modern Dance, with the forward by Lori Bellilove (whom I've had the opportunity to work with on several levels).  The author, Sabrina Jones, read an excerpt, Lori danced and we drank champagne.  I am still in awe and inspired by what I had witnessed front row.  What a truly artistic evening. 

Thursday evening I attended a Food & Pop Culture class at the Institute of Culinary Education (ICE).  Fascinating conversation, people, and topic.  It was primarily geared toward the power of marketing food & food personalities to society, and was a nice refresher of my college marketing classes.  I thought the most interesting dynamic, however, aside from the lecture, was the audience: all women (various ages and backgrounds).  The lecturer, Fabio, is a professor of Pop Culture & Food at NYU and is the correspondent to an Italian Food Network.  

Friday night?  I drank wine.  Lots and LOTS of wonderful, beautiful, round, sparkling, dark, light, full bodied wine.  Wine from Italy, France, California, Spain, & South America.  Wine for every meal, wine for every time of year or time of day.  We danced with the owners until 1am to lively Spanish music, dj'ed by  My favorite was this South American red, with braille on the label, and the bottle was from the 1800's (not the wine inside, but the actual bottle).  Do I remember the name?  Nope, not a chance.  But I do know that they saved me several bottles.  I also fell in love with Gigondas, which is a Granache blend from France.  If ever the essence of relaxation had been bottled, Gigondas is it. 

You may be asking yourself: but, Kendra, how does this all fit together?  It's easy.  It's taking advantage of opportunity; living for today.  We all say that we want to do this and experience that - frankly, I'm tired of saying it.

While this hasn't been the Media-Harvest you are used to, it is better (in my opinion).  Directly from the source.  Seeing things, feeling them, tasting them, interacting with them, etc.  

Happy Thanksgiving, darlings!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Regulations For Advertising and Marketing

I had to post this. It's an article about what the Obama Administration is planning to do to the advertising/marketing world. I, for one, think that it is brilliant and hope it sees the light of day.

Read Obama Promises Change; Is It Bad for Marketers? and judge for your self.

The bottom line is that they are going to make it harder for junk food companies to market to children (the way they did with tobacco), start putting strong regulations on product placement (ie: video games, kid/family shows), stop giving tax deductions to companies who spend billions on advertising, and stronger internet regulations on spy marketing companies that track your sites of interest.

Where America Needs to Go

There is a mentality I wish every person in our country could and would adopt. I've noticed more and more people - either on the streets, at events, or through articles - sharing the same compassion, but I just hope and pray that the rest of our society catches on.

This mindset, of course, is that of excitement, knowledge, interest, curiosity, openness and passion of what goes into our mouths and the mouths around us (family, friends, foes, etc). The disposition that sitting down to a meal, surrounded by friends and family with engaging conversation, is to me the healthiest actions we can do each day.

In the Summer Issue of Gastronomica, there is an article by Maggie Jackson which calls the reader to observe and abandon the movement of food-on-the-go. She shadows several individuals as they describe the ideal meal as something that is hand held (optimally one hand), prepackaged, small, nutrient loaded, and hopefully tastes like real food. However, "real" food describes none of the above, the key word here is something.

The reason for the on-the-go success is that our society has never been as mobile as we are today. Constantly moving from home to work to practice to travel to work, etc, etc, our lives have become all about the destination making the journey something that just happens during the interim. In fact, one woman even goes so far as to say that "I'd rather be eating and moving and doing something productive".

This idea just boggled my insides. I remember feeling this way and at times I even get sucked into eating mindlessly at my desk. But I distinctively recall the moment when I said "no more" and stopped myself from throwing away self awareness. It was then that I began taking control back into my life.

So, I gather this is where I am going with where America needs to go. We need to stop. We need to stop rushing and start listening, tasting, observing, feeling and contemplating. Jackson ends her essay with:

"Can we stop now? Can we pull to the side of the road and look hard at the encroachment of placeless places, or are we too enamored of our untrammeled solo journeys, the possibility of yet another choice around the corner?... What is needed is a way to recover the arts of pausing, sensing, tasting of sharing a meal. Full stop."

Can we? Can we really try to do this? Can we stop teaching our kids that the only taste worth remembering from childhood is a chicken McNugget and start having them taste roasted chicken or duck? Can we stop demonstrating that its OK to not care about what your putting in your body and start making conscious decisions about what is for breakfast, lunch and dinner? Can we break the notion that food is only fuel? Can we stop popping pills in place of meals and start popping grapes?

I don't think any of this is asking for too much. You never know, people might actually begin enjoying the delights of sitting down and using a fork or spoon!

Happy cooking and conversations!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Dinner for a Sick Girl

Tonight, I feel like crap.  The weather is rainy and warm, making it uncomfortable to be outside.  My throat is soar and my eyes heavy.  

Not being a fan of medicines that leave me groggy, I decided to do a little experimenting in my kitchen.  Knowing that Vitamin C and Bitter Greens are the keys to unlocking an upbeat immune system, I got right to it.

Strawberries were on sale and they would match perfectly with the arugula and lemon already in my basket.  No meats or diary because they'll leave me feeling heavy with phloem; I had beans the other night so that protein is out of the question.  So what to have for my main dish?  Well, I decided the remaining kale in my crisper drawer would be satisfying and delicious; steamed with garlic and a squeeze of lemon, drained (keeping the water because that is my beverage), and then tossed with a little butter and red pepper.

A wonderful dinner - the sweet strawberries gave me the boost of vitamin c I needed, the bitter greens (arugula and kale) provided me with roughage, vitamins and protein my immune system was craving.  Not to let anything go to waste, I drank the water that steamed the kale, and honestly it was quite good!

But I wasn't completely fulfilled. My throat still itched and my body was starting to ache.  I decided my dessert would be hot tea with echinachae, licorice, honey and a shot of whiskey. 

Remember, next time your sick chicken soup is great, but when you get bored of that there are other comfort foods options that provide a healthy punch to your ailing system.

Feel better!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A Kitchen For 2 Even When It's Only 1

I was surprised heading home last week when my boyfriend, Joseph, told me over the phone that he had made turkey burgers.

"Fantastic!", I thought, "I wont have to cook, but I'm sure I'll have clean up".

Nope! I returned home to a surprisingly clean kitchen - which to me was even better than hearing the bulk of dinner had been prepared. I began to ponder what to make as a side.

Searching through my cupboards I felt a pang of loneliness knowing that Joe wouldn't be home until I way after dinner (he works nights and I work days). And then, like a slap from God, I saw them! Those beautiful, small, awkward shaped sweet potatoes - SWEET POTATO FRIES!
Without skipping a beat I was at the cutting board, rinsing, and "sticking" my soon to be plush fries. While cutting the starches into careful sticks, I couldn't help but to think Joe was there with me.

Now... for seasoning! What would Joe like? I grabbed the curry, cumin, and cayenne without a second thought, and began tossing the sweet pots in a bowl with a bit of olive oil. Next, I lay them over tin foil and placed them in the preheated 450* oven. During those 20-25 minutes, my mouth was salivating as I anticipated the comfort food!

Finally they were ready and for the first time, after many lonely dinners, I didn't feel so bad. Even if you can't be together in person, it is possible in fork and mouth!

Monday, November 3, 2008

It's been a while...

My apologies for not writing in a week! I was doing so well, but after the Gastronomica Event on 10/28 I needed to digest what I had consumed.

A very interesting, thought provoking event, to say the least. I initially walked away feeling a little jaded about the Foodie Community I now acquaint myself with. Then, after a few days had passed, I started to take a stand for what I believe in and the reasons I "joined" this community in the beginning.

First of all, the celebrity-ism is not as well accepted as we would think amongst the culinary world. While a chef may carefully paint their name on the door making them a micro, or neighborhood, star, the TV and print world give the artist fame on a macro, or national/international, level. Currently some truly talented celebri-chefs (David Chang, for example) are feeling an influx of attention hungry amateurs who think they can cook. I understand this, but I think there is more than meets the eye in the big picture.

Yes, "Celebrity" was the topic of the forum, and quite honestly I found this part intriguing, but whiny all at the same time. My interest however, came in as the underlying tone and the final statement of the evening.

1. It started, for me, when the panel mentioned the shift of TV viewers and magazine readers speaking in culinary lingo as opposed to the true amateur just-toasting-bread jargon. This resonated with me after I really thought about it, and I want to bring it to the next level. I think that this is the start of something amazing! People are actually taking the time to think about what they are putting in their bodies. And beyond that, the preparation of the food and who is preparing the food.

I understand that being in the spotlight for someone who just wants to cook can be annoying, but they've done something greater than create a perfect fois-gras: they are slowly changing the way Americans view the food they used to take for granted. Talk about your giant step!

2. The strongest words of the night were spoken by Gwen Hyman who closed the forum with a comment regarding the farming/gardening movement. She said that it was a direct reaction to the technology movement and that people need to feel a real connectedness. We need that interaction between the earth, our minds, heart and hands. We need to nurture seeds to grow food for our families and communities.

This is a truly beautiful and inspiring movement... I think we should all hop on the bandwagon and get our hands dirty!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


This evening, a co-worker and I will be attending a Gastronomica Forum at the Astor Center in NYC. I'm very excited to participate in such an event and will fill you in on everything tomorrow morning. There will be several personalities from the culinary/media industry ranging from journalists and editors to chefs and recipe developers.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Michael Pollan and Food

Listen to Michael Pollan speak with Leonard Lopate of WNYC. Its about sustainability, diversity and education!

I love how he starts off with food being an issue of national security. The spike in food prices, quality of crops grown on our soil and abroad, world hunger, food politics (a non partisan issue), genetically modified crops (GMO's), etc.

To take this one step further, visit the Kitchen Gardeners' International website and sign the petition for "Eat The View". Have the next President of our country, plant a garden on the front lawn of the White House, and carry the torch for sustainability and community!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

YouTube and Copyright Infringement

Look at the onion I pulled out this morning!

While listening to WNYC on my way to the train, I heard a very interesting report regarding copyright infringement, YouTube, and the Obama/McCain Campaigns.

Apparently the campaigns have been taking fragments from network news reports (CBS, etc) and using them in ads that they are now distributing on YouTube. Illegal? Um, without a doubt! Not only are they editing clips, but some are completely out of context. This clip-and-paste campaigning is extremely deceitful to the public (who's trust is already scraping the bottom) and is the reason for "gotcha-journalism".

I wasn't able to listen to the entire report (still searching for the online link rigth now), but did hear that the McCain campaign is fighting back and I believe the Obama campaign pulled the ad. I'm not saying that either candidate is better than the other for even trying to get away with this. In fact, I think it's a slap in the face to all of the media corporations and users that have to follow the same laws. It is not that time consuming to get the rights to use material from other sources ESPECIALLY if you are running for President.

I will be following this issue very closely and will keep you all updated. Please read the following article and op-ed to get the gist of the situation and how important this issue is.

Groups Ask Networks, YouTube to Altar Take Down Protocol By Stephanie Condon,

Copyright and Politics Don't Mix By Lawrence Lessig, NY Times

Monday, October 20, 2008

McCain - My only political posting

I promise this will be my only political views posting (I know, I'm tired of reading them too), but this really sent me over the edge.

Apparantly Heidi Montag endorsed John McCain and the best part, he commented on it. I can hear John Stewarts quips now!

I just really hope Obama doesn't admit to 'never missing an episode of The Hills', because, if he does, I think I may have to vote for the Green Party.

Friday, October 17, 2008

World Food Day

Before the financial crisis hit headlines, a study reported that malnutrition will be affecting almost 1 Billion people around the globe. With the huge increase of food over the past months and now another increase threatens even more people in danger of starvation and other malacies.

Please read and/or listen to this full story from Democracy Now.

For those of us who are blessed with food at the table every day and night, it wouldn't hurt to be a little more mindful of how much you are consuming and how much you should appreciate your bounty. Don't "bite off more than you can chew" and heap your plate from the table to the ceiling. While you are picking apples and pumpkins with family and friends or enjoying a harvest, consider donating some of the fresh produce to a local soup kitchen or shelter.

There are little things we can do that will relieve even the tiniest bit of pressure from a struggling family. At the end of the day, our communities must be our extended families. Greed and corruption got us into this mess and I honestly believe only good will can put us back on track.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Brian Lehrer Show at Hofstra University

This morning on WNYC, The Brian Lehrer Show hosted from Hofstra University for the the final Presidential Debate. Mr. Lehrer spoke with students and professors from the school on the topics of politics and the financial crisis in regards to the future of higher education.

If you have about a 1/2 hour or can download onto your I-Pod, I would strongly suggest doing so.

The most standout point for me was with students altering what they really want to do to be in industries where they will make money out of school. For example - in the medical field they said that there was an increase in students concentrating in dermatology over other concentrations.

This to me is not just scary, but hits very close to home as I am in search for the right Graduate Program to apply for.

An Interesting Observation

On the 1 train this morning heading into work I over heard the conversation between two young boys - middle school/high school age - on their way to school. The dialogue was as such...

Boy 1: "I could not get away from video game this morning. I've almost completed this level but can't get past [none of this made sense to me as I am not a gamer]..."
Boy 2: "You played this morning? How do you have time to play before leaving for school? There's only a little bit of time"
Boy 1: "I get up every day at 6am to play! Don't you? I have, like, two hours every morning!"

They were very sweet kids, respectful of people around them. But I was still amazed and curious as to which game he was so passionate about playing. When this game is complete, which will be next? What has he played in the past?

I have so many questions I would have loved to ask him. Thoughts?

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Regarding Farming: Chemical and Organic

Above is a story about a couple who runs both a chemically manicured farm and an organic farm. Interesting because their views are very different, but they respect each other's POV's.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Lunch and Dinner


Turkey, Smoked Prosciutto, Sliced Pear (fresh), Gorgonzola and Whole Wheat Oven Toasted Bread : Place ingredients on bread open faced in toaster for 7 minutes (until you can easily spread the cheese with a knife). The best part is that all of these ingredients cost about $10 for a several day supply. Much healthier and more economical than the deli!!


Radishes - 5 small/medium, quartered with a teaspoon of OO and a dash of salt.
Tomato - small, quartered with a dash of salt.
Brussel Sprouts - 5 small, halved with a dash of salt.
Purple Mashed Potatoes - Yes, purple/blue (just like Terra Chips).
4 medium sized (boiled)
a little less than a quarter cup of soy milk
3 tablespoons butter
salt (to taste)
Mash up and mix together, topped with goat cheese.

Tonight, I felt like keeping it simple and enjoying each individual flavor (because I'll admit, it is a very odd dinner).

Sometimes that's the key to happiness: simplicity.

More Schools and Food

This time, from the Washington Post.

I think this is a strong example of the debate between banning treats all together v. having treats every once in a while. I don't really know why we ever started rewarding ourselves with food, we are not dogs and there are tons of other ways to encourage and reward good behavior or high test scores. (Some examples: books, school supplies, extra study hall time... to name a few)

Sweets are not the problem - the problem is over eating. If we eat these treats simply because they are available at a cheaper cost, then consumption becomes access-habit and no longer an enjoyment. Pastries, cakes, ice cream, etc are an artform on their own and we should teach children (and ourselves) to consume such delacies in moderation and for the right causes.

Obviously this article goes beyond desserts and also talks about pizzas, fries, etc.

My basic point: Adults need to practice healthy consumption habits if they expect children to do the same.

Munch down on this article...

Slimming Down Schools: A la Carte Menus, Parents Often Thwart Cafeteria Makeovers
By Lori Aratani

Social and Commercial Interaction

I just found an interesting study that claims consumers prefer that companies interact directly with them - especially through social networking sites.

What do you think?

I personally do not want to be targeted by companies. If I have a comment for one of their products I will seek them out. They should be easily accessible for consumers to come to them, but I do not want to hear from them. Also, according to the numbers below, I do not see that most consumers want to be contacted (pay attention to the ages). I would be curious to see the demographics of this study.

Please note that the below was taken from Research Brief: From the Center of Media Research.

Consumers Want to Interact With Companies on Social Media

56% of American consumers feel both a stronger connection with, and better served by, companies when they can interact with them in a social media environment.
Mike Hollywood, director of new media for Cone, observes that "... social media... it isn't an intrusion into their lives, but rather a welcome channel for discussion."
When Americans were asked about specific types of interactions:

43% say that companies should use social networks to solve my problems
41% want companies to solicit feedback on their products and services
37% feel that companies should develop new ways for consumers to interact with their brand
33% of men and 17% of women interact frequently (one or more times per week) with companies via social media

"The ease and efficiency of online conversation is likely a draw for men who historically do not seek out the same level of interaction with companies as women," says Hollywood. 33% of younger, hard-to-reach consumers (ages 18-34), believe companies should actively market to them via social networks, and the same is true of the wealthiest households (household income of $75,000+). Two-thirds of the wealthiest households and the largest households (3 or more members) feel stronger connections to brands they interact with online.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Articles Regarding Education and School Food

Good Morning!

The day is bright and warm and I just remembered a few quick NY Times articles I wanted to share with you regarding school food and the future of education. 

By Gerri Hirshey, 9/26/08, NY Times

This article addresses a program and innitiative that is very close to my heart: healthful local food for children in our public school systems.  There is no reason why we should not, as the American society on a whole, be able to to provide our children with the most in-season foods from our local farmers.  

Hirshey's piece brought me back to Morgan Spurlocks documentary, Super Size Me, several years ago.  There was a segment in which they discussed a "bad-behavioral" school with a "normal" school.  At the special school they feed students healthy breakfast and lunches (whole grain pastas, no fried foods, no soda or power drinks, etc) and made the kids part of the food preparation process, as opposed to the "normal" school diet which did not (mainly cheap, sugary, and high in calories).  They found astonishing advancements in the students' concentration levels, grades, attitudes, and all around health.  They were never "bad", they were hyped up on sugar!

By Winnie Hu, 10/7/08, NY Times

By Motoko Rich, 10/5/08, NY Times

Both of these have to deal with bringing video games in the classroom.  I share mixed thoughts.

First of all, I had video games when I was in elementary school - part of our computer literacy class.  Typing games, math and reading games, Oregon Trail, etc.  But, they were part of the computer class, not the subject with which they were dealing (math, history, literature, etc).  

While I am fearful that children will no longer be excited about sitting down and losing themselves in a book for the pure pleasure of doing so, I met a lady Friday evening who pronounced a point I had never thought of: texting as sequences of letters to form words.  Yes, yes, texting is not gaming, I know, but it is a "new" technology and approach to typing communication.

I have my doubts, but that could be the very little bit of conservatism I have in me.  However, I'm going to keep digging down in the soil to find more studies that spark more thought!


Friday, October 10, 2008


I feel as though it has taken months, even years to create this website. Mostly due to the fact that there are just too many things that interest my little brain! While this isn't a terrible aspect of my character, it does make honing in on what I really want to do and who I truly want to be a tad bit difficult.

Without taking too much time to introduce you to my intentions, as you will see they are pretty straight forward with my postings, I would like to address a few points of motivation:

1. Living and working in New York City for the past few years has formed me into a new person. I am constantly on the go, witnessing all different kinds people and their habits. Experiencing the premiere platforms for news, advertising and entertainment. Every day is exciting, thrilling, frightening, and all together inspiring.

2. Growing up in a small town (the population was 4,000 soaking wet) I was raised with being close to our neighbors, knowing everything about everyone (vise versa), and always wanting to break away from my sheltered youth. Looking back now, however, I find that I wasn't nearly as claustrophobic as I had perceived myself to be. My appreciation for the history, fine food, art, music, friends, family, gardens, farmland, etc, etc, keeps me going back for more and seeking out those values here in New York.

3. There is just too much for me not to want to talk. I read everything from the New York Times to SELF magazine. I listen to everything from NPR to The Cure. I watch everything from the 2008 Presidential Debates to Gossip Girl. And, lucky for you who reads, I want to share them and all of my opinions that go along with.

More importantly - I want to hear back from you. My opinions are only that: opinions. In this day and age we really have no other option than to be open minded and respectful of others thoughts, beliefs and ways of life. If I've learned anything in my life it is that there is a reason for everything... while we may not always agree, we must try to understand.

I hope that these postings spark ideas and conversations - a friendly harvest, if you will.

Bon Apetit!