Cooking only aggravated me, stretching and running were totally out of the question, TV left me annoyed, my book was anti climatic, and I couldn't pray if my life depended on it. Literally crying for no reason, my temper was short and patience took a vacation.
It wasn't until Saturday morning that I started to feel slightly hopeful again... and then Sunday, a miracle happened. Joe and I had a fabulous day of church, cooking brunch together (Sunday potatoes and over-easy eggs with a side of fresh grapes and clementines) and watching movies curled up on the couch. It lit a fire between the two of us that was gone for the week that I was ill, and I am very thankful.
I'm posting this because I wasn't feeling the Christmas spirit and then out of no where it hit me like a freight train. Thank God! While this has nothing to do with the media and only a little to do with comfort food, it has everything to do with recognizing that this is not the end of the world. Sickness comes and goes and fear is natural, but useless.
The week is over and Christmas is in a few days. I'm finally excited and looking forward to the 2009.