Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A few quick notes

My week has been extremely busy, but I had to jot these down before they slip my mind:

1. Joe and I noticed a blue light over the bananas in the supermarket. The only blue light in the supermarket, might I add. This gave the yellow bananas a greenish hue to trick us consumers into thinking they were almost ripe. Sneaky!!

2. City Winery, a new music venue/wine bar I brought my girlfriends to Friday night, is not my favorite place in the world. I'm not going to knock them because we did have a nice time, but I think they need to decide if they are a wine bar or an intimate music venue. In my opinion, if you are going to serve wine and food you are encouraging conversation - that is the purpose of wine and food, to bring people together - you can't them tell them to not talk because musicians are on stage. Don't get me wrong, I am all for respecting the performers (my boyfriend and 2 best friends are musicians), but there is a difference between listening and sharing your experience with your friends, and sitting in a theatre watching.

3. It's freaking cold and I need my AM coffee. I know I said I was going to work on giving it up, but I brought a small bottle of cinnamon into work and have been adding a dash to the cup o' joe. I have to admit, I love it and look forward to my warming treat every morning.

That should be it. There are tons of other fun, interesting, inspiring, and thought provoking topics, but time does not allow.

Stay warm!!

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