Wednesday, August 12, 2009

What's on the menu tonight?!

I didn't have the energy after a long(ish) run, folding the laundry, and changing the bed linens. My intent was to bake bean-peach muffins for the week, bread some zucchini and fry some zucchini-corn fritters. Clearly, none of this happened and I was REM'ing by 10!

What I did make myself do, however, was cut up the peaches and freeze them to ensure they would not mold before I was ready to use them. (The freezer is my new best friend, by the way)

So, the plan for tonight is...

1. Bake the muffins!
2. Make breaded zucchini for sandwiches
3. Zucchini-corn fritters
*BONUS - Pesto!

Well, we'll see if I get to the pesto...

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