This morning I was at the New York Botanical Gardens for the closing weekend of The Edible Garden.
I parked behind the Observatory and walked the semi-convoluted path to our garden. As soon as I spotted the white posts and green vines climbing the trellises I didn't care that it was 8:15 on a Sunday morning.
Our Good Food Garden was booming with peppers, tomatoes, beans, herbs, eggplant, and marigolds of multiple varieties and colors. If that site wasn't beautiful enough, you should have seen the people walking through! We encouraged young and old to touch, smell, and taste as many plants as they could (with special caution to the peppers). Their delicate senses were careful not to disturb the exhibit or other observers. They asked questions and told stories. It was brilliant.
I walked around to several gardens with one little girl, Sydney, and her grandmother, Carmela, discussing different plants and composting strategies.
Sydney and Carmela have a love for nature that I immediately related with. Carmela (a fellow Sicilian - though she is really from there) told me how she posts photos of nature on several websites. It is a beautiful she said, we must preserve it. We exchanged email addresses and I vow to keep in touch with this family.
Sydney, who must not be any older that 9, had a most intriguing and inquisitive personality. Her patience, respect, and politeness was a pleasant reminder that we do not need to fear the future because there are wonderful souls like hers that will be running the world some day.
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