Friday, January 28, 2011

Intention: Mindful & Peaceful Transitions

Wednesday night I summoned enough courage to attend a yoga class. It's been a while and I've fallen off the proverbial wagon as far as exercise and healthy decisions go. It was time for a little push; time for someone to tell me I'm pushing my right hip out and get back in line no matter how much pain, it is only temporary.

At the beginning of each class we are asked to set an intention or dedication for practice. My plan was to work on letting go. Letting go of physical and emotional pain; letting go of people, places and things who don't belong to me; letting go of success and failure; letting go of everything and anything so I'm only left with myself. This was my intention and at first it was strong, but then it started to suffocate my breathing.

While working on awkward standing positions my mind shifted to the thought of transitions. We were moving ever so delicately from one stance to the other and I felt as though I had 500lb weights on either of my arms or as if I had never taken a dance class in my life (mind you I was a modern dancer in college but I definitely did not embody a single graceful quality tonight).

Then it happened! It's not about letting go, it's about transitioning. It's about, to me and tonight, moving from one position/place to another with the most conscious and subconscious grace I could muster up. The movement between positions is indeed a position itself and should have as much intention as the destination.

So there we have it! In life, if too much focus is on letting go I'll never be able to fully submit without tending to the transition of submission. Aaaaaaah. Once I realized this, I was able to breathe. The rest of the class kicked my ass but those weights had been released.

Now for food? Well, I met with Lily yesterday afternoon and we planned the menu for our afternoon tea. I have to workout the recipes and test a few things, but the bottom line is: I'm psyched! Much more to come on this soon!!

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