Thursday, May 14, 2009

Astor Center: My Favorite Place In Manhattan

....well, pretty damn close to my favorite place, that's for sure!

I volunteered again last night for David Lombardo's Develop Your Nose class. To say it was awesome would be an understatement. The knowledge, enthusiasm, and skill this man has is inspiring and unpretentious.

The other volunteer, Claire, and I started the evening with placing wine glasses on each table. Not glasses for drinking out of, glasses for smelling out of. In each glass were different culinary aromas: rosemary, coffee, nutmeg, vanilla bean, grapefruit, kiwi, caramel, dark chocolate, etc.

This is what sets David's method above the rest. He encourages everyone to swirl their glass of wine (rose, white, or red... whichever one we are focusing on at that time), take a deep inhale, and then sample other scents from the aroma glasses!! What scents do you recognize between the wine and the food/spices? GENIUS!!!

I can now proudly say I know when I smell vanilla, I know when I smell lemon, and I know that I like it!!

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