My schedule has been severely thrown off these past few weeks because of late nights at work, social gatherings, and the trying to catch up on sleep. Here are a few simple practices that I am trying to work into a daily "routine":
- When eating use a real plate, real napkin, real utensils and turn everything off! I've been trying to figurein out why I've been gaining weight and I believe one of the reasons is because I've been eating on the run (no matter how healthy the food) and thus, not realizing when I'm full.
- Stretching, walking, or gardening in the morning for a half hour before I get ready for work. It forces me to get out of bed and has an incredible ripple effect thoughout the day - it helps me to feel centered.
- Taking pictures when I have even 5 minutes of down time. I've found that when I am looking through a lens (mainly photos of food or nature) I see a ton of beauty that I might otherwise overlook. Again, it is very centering.
- Fresh cut flowers from the garden. Joe's Baba grows these breathtaking roses and irisis and I refuse to resist the urge of snipping a few and putting them in a vase in the kitchen (of course I cut her a bouquet as well!).
So, these are what I'm working on. Any other suggestions?
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