Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Sushi and Yoga

I've been trying to eat less meat. I've been trying to calm my nerves. I've been trying to grow a fruitful garden. I've been trying to run far and fast. I've been trying... I've been trying... I've been trying.

Last night I finally attended a Hatha yoga class. It wasn't as easy to relax and breathe and stretch and extend and plant and intend as it had been before April, but I tried. While I struggled through moves that used to come with ease I realized that I can still do this I just have to try harder.

Needless to say, I left feeling good. And hungry.

I went across the street for a quick bite of veggie sushi. I sat there alone while couples and friends chatted it up, drinking their beer and eating their expensive rolls. I was so content and clear minded.

When I got home - tea and a hot bath. Then my book... then my bed.

I didn't even have to try to have sweet dreams.


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