Wednesday, December 1, 2010

All in a year...

December 1st marks my one year anniversary of living on my own. It has been a year filled with trials, tribulations, change, consistency, love, laughter, tears, fears, rough tides and peaceful waters.

I find myself sitting here this Wednesday morning, mid week, at a cross roads. My mind is racing in unnecessary directions yet I have focus. My career is taking the center stage right now and it's not about making a million dollars, but about doing what I love. Cooking, writing, learning - I feel like a forever-student, and that isn't a bad thing.

I'm planning trips, mapping out my book (children's books, perhaps!!), meeting new people, listening to inspiring music, reading motivational literature, hell I'm even dancing! Moving... just keep on moving because eventually all of this will settle down, which will be fine. For now, however, I have no intention of stopping or taking a moment for granted. Everyone in my life and every experience, good or bad, is a blessing.

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