Friday, November 26, 2010


Yesterday was one of my absolute favorite holidays, Thanksgiving. The table was overflowing with turkey, potatoes, sauces, ham, corn, beans, and other staples. Faith, my beautiful neice, bounced on her mothers knee and giggled at her brothers obsession with pomegranate seeds. We all laughed and reminisced, ate and drank. It was perfect.

It wasn't until dessert time when Eliot started complaining about not liking apple pie (he doesn't like the sugar on top and would prefer to just eat raw apples - good boy!). I explained to him how lucky he is to have a piece of apple pie in front of him. How fortunate he is to have all of this food and family around him. We explained that there are some children in the world who are not as fortunate and this is why we give thanks - for all of our blessings. I think, for a 3 year old, he somewhat understood and said he was thankful and then took a bite of the pie.

Whether he understood or not, hearing myself say these things made me more thankful. I think we all lose sight of all we have. While it isn't the material things I'm thankful for it's the amazing family I have, the supportive and loving friends I have, and the incredible good food and wine we share together. I'm blessed. We all are.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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