Sunday, November 21, 2010

Dear Life...

Dear Life,

You've been trying to get my attention and I've been out for the past two weeks enjoying late night dinners, cocktails and wine, concerts, and deep conversations with good friends and family. You've been trying to get me up to run and I've been laying in bed until 7am; reluctantly crawling out of my comfortable sheets to half ass a yoga sequence and mentally prepare for the day. You've been trying to get me to read literature and I've had my i-pod on a loud volume repeating The Decemberists, Rilo Kiley, Neko Case, Nina Simone, and others.

But I have to ask, isn't this all part of you? Since the marathon finished I've been on full speed ahead trying to catch up on the social experiences I had to miss out on while training. Well, I am tired now and I am listening to you.

I'm ready to think fully about my career. I'm ready to think fully about writing my book. I'm ready to think fully about organizing a food-sensory curriculum for schools or plotting my dream cafe's business plan. The funny thing is that these goals and realities never left the spotlight of my mind and heart - they simply just were not on the front burner. They are now, so do not worry.

So, Life, here is my proposal for this week: When I get back to Brooklyn today I'll do my grocery shopping and clean my apartment. I'll cook, watch movies, and do yoga all day. Tomorrow morning I'll run and get back on my schedule. I am a creature who thrives on routine and now I need to learn how to integrate my social life into my daily/weekly plan.

Life, no matter what anyone says, you are a good listener and I'm glad we had this little conversation.

Yours Truly,

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