Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Really, LX TV?

I woke up yesterday morning and felt like my body had just been through war. My ribs were killing me making it difficult to breathe and I had a slight fever. I ran the entire way Sunday and while I didn't reach my goal time (I made it in 5:14:48), I was very proud to not have walked AND I beat Jared from Subway.

But what I want to talk about was a segment I saw on LX NYC last night at 5pm. For those of you who do not know LX NYC is an hour long magazine news style show on NBC which took place of real news programming (it's basically a morning talk show in the evening). There was a segment about beating obesity with fat and it was sickening to watch.

The headlines sprawled out words and graphics about fruits and vegetables perhaps being the reason we are fat and shining light on the health benefits of red meats and fried food. I just about threw up while watching and was so disturbed at the composition of (mis) information and footage.

The piece was based around a book about obesity (I looked on their website and found it very difficult to navigate anything from their program) and while they did preach portion size (which is the only bonus) I felt that every bit of information was taking 5,000 steps back. Viewers/Consumers are confused enough with the abundance of information out there. We do not need to start believing that high fat foods and no exercise are the key to loosing weight. The last thing we need is someone telling us that fruits, vegetables, and exercise are making us fat! Are you kidding me?

I am not a health expert but I do my research and I work in media. I believe in book reviews, but do not preach their message. A line was crossed and while I'm kind of appalled, I hope others who saw it are too.

Thankfully the saving grace is when Sara Gore and her co-host both commented on not necessarily believing all of the information in the piece BUT saying portion size is very important for any intake. But seriously, who did that one get past?

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