Thursday, November 4, 2010

Just a few more days...

It is so close I can taste it!

Against every urge to roll over and hit snooze for the 5th time this morning, I got my butt out of bed! After five sun salutations and some light yoga, I laced up those running shoes and zipped up the ol' rain coat. Rilo Kiley helped me through two rainy miles and when I got back to my house, I wanted to go back for more. I didn't. I held back, went inside stretched, ate a juicy orange, and got ready for the day.

I'm ready for this marathon! I'm scared to death, but I'm ready. I probably could have trained harder than I did, but it's too late to look back on that now. I have to keep moving forward and exercise the two most powerful muscles in my body: the heart and the brain. It is imperative for them to be on the same team.

There aint no backin' out now! November 7th will be a day I'll never forget. I keep saying I'll never run another marathon because the training is so grueling... but I take that back. I can't imagine my life without long, peaceful runs.

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