Thursday, November 6, 2008

Dinner for a Sick Girl

Tonight, I feel like crap.  The weather is rainy and warm, making it uncomfortable to be outside.  My throat is soar and my eyes heavy.  

Not being a fan of medicines that leave me groggy, I decided to do a little experimenting in my kitchen.  Knowing that Vitamin C and Bitter Greens are the keys to unlocking an upbeat immune system, I got right to it.

Strawberries were on sale and they would match perfectly with the arugula and lemon already in my basket.  No meats or diary because they'll leave me feeling heavy with phloem; I had beans the other night so that protein is out of the question.  So what to have for my main dish?  Well, I decided the remaining kale in my crisper drawer would be satisfying and delicious; steamed with garlic and a squeeze of lemon, drained (keeping the water because that is my beverage), and then tossed with a little butter and red pepper.

A wonderful dinner - the sweet strawberries gave me the boost of vitamin c I needed, the bitter greens (arugula and kale) provided me with roughage, vitamins and protein my immune system was craving.  Not to let anything go to waste, I drank the water that steamed the kale, and honestly it was quite good!

But I wasn't completely fulfilled. My throat still itched and my body was starting to ache.  I decided my dessert would be hot tea with echinachae, licorice, honey and a shot of whiskey. 

Remember, next time your sick chicken soup is great, but when you get bored of that there are other comfort foods options that provide a healthy punch to your ailing system.

Feel better!

1 comment:

privo said...

I will DEFINITELY be staying at your house when I come home from this culinary nightmare I call the DR.

But seriously, I really like your blog. A nice mix of opinion, fact, and food. I look forward to future posts. Keep up the good work and maybe I will write you a guest article about underappreciated food or something like that.

Anyway, must go save the world (or just buy vegetables...)!
