Saturday, January 31, 2009

The Truffle and the Petri Dish

I just read an article in Business Week about scientist trying to clone the truffle.  Because the fungi is being threatened by cheap Chinese export (first of all, what industry isn't and second, are these real or black market truffles?) the French truffle business is contemplating dropping their own prices by making the elusive delicacy more available - as early as 2013. 

I need a little more time to digest what this could really mean.  On one hand I agree with the French and think they should take the bull by the horn, making this incredible flavor available to the mass market.  I really believe that everyone should experience the intensity at least one time in their lives.  But on the other hand, it is not just the price that makes it a delicacy. If the truffle becomes exploited, much more than the exclusivity will be lost; an entire tradition and culture are at steak.

Maybe that should be my first book... Hmmm, yes.  More on this later.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Salt: An Ode To My Father

As I'm sure you can tell, I like to pick on the big guys. I have always been and will forever be suspicious of big food companies, big pharmaceuticals, and big media agencies all having it in with each other together. Feeding off of consumer physical and mental health. Before I get carried away on conspiracy theories, let's talk about salt and my father.

Several years ago I rushed into my parents bedroom when my mother said frantically that there was something wrong with my dad. I found him swaying around the room, falling over himself, and slurring his words. I had no idea what to think as fear rushed through my entire body. I immediately made him sit down and called 911.

Fast forward several hours later - my father suffered a stroke. He was 54. His blood pressure was terribly high and the cause of his stroke. He was lucky and was able to walk away - now he had to change.

After speaking with the Dr's he learned of several medicines that would lower his blood pressure, Lipitor being one of them. The loop hole, however, is that once you start Lipitor or any of these meds, you have to be on them for life. My father, being the skeptical person he is (see where I get it from?) decided that before he goes onto any pill, he was going to research first.

Within in minutes, he found numerous articles that linked a large amount of salt to an increase in blood pressure which can cause stroke and/or heart attack, as well as a laundry list of other things. He rushed to the pantry and refrigerator, reading the labels on soups, sodas, condiments, cheese, etc; to his surprise, it was no surprise as to how his blood pressure was raised over all these years. The mg's of sodium were astounding and he got rid of everything.

He called his Dr and informed them he would not be taking medicine at this time. Instead, he wanted to try to change his problem through diet - a little experiment. The Dr's questioned his decission and pretty much told him it would be a near impossible feat - but they couldn't force him on a drug.

He read up on low sodium foods and other articles pertaining to lowering blood pressure before heading off to the grocery store. In addition, he started exercising again and picked up red wine and put down whiskey (for the most part, at least). After a few weeks, he was on a roll and his first test after the stroke proved a small improvement - but an improvement. Every test after, however, proved greater and greater improvements.

My dad has brought his blood and cholesterol levels down to normal without medicine. He is my hero for this - I really am so unbelievably proud. What an inspiration!

Now, read this article from the NY Times and you'll see why I went on this rant:
Throwing the Book at Salt by Kim Severson

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

My Korean Bakery

For the past two mornings I've been slightly adventurous.

I wandered into one of the many Korean bakeries, When, yesterday and decided to try the Red Bean Bread - I'm glad I did. The funny thing was the girl sitting next to me on the train was eating the same thing!!

Today, I tried the Green Bean Bread. Again, happy I did.

Tomorrow, perhaps I'll give the Curry Morning Bread a go or the Cinnamon Paste.

I love little adventures!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Eat your roots!

Root vegetables are in abundance right now and it is time to get creative!

Tonight, I'm going to take my treasure bag of parsnips, turnips, carrots, beets and potatoes and make a roasted soup with cannelloni beans! I can barely contain myself as I imagine the aroma that will fill my kitchen - sweet, rounded, earthy, colorful, and full.

They'll be graciously covered with olive oil, s/p, parsley, lemon and then roasted until they cut like butter. Next, they'll be tossed into the blender with some chicken stock to give me a smooth, soupy consistency. Finally, I'll place it on simmer and pour in my cannelloni beans. A feast for all senses and definitely something to curl up with on a cold winters evening.

Happy rooting!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Note: Mental Training for a Marathon

I'll make this quick - when you are training for a marathon, or any long distance endurance event, you have to train both physically and mentally.  It's just you, the road, and your thoughts.  I almost think I should start caring around a voice recorder in my pants so that if an interesting idea 

That's all.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I've become obsessed with food

Sometimes I wonder if it is an unhealthy obsession - however, if it weren't the media and food, I could be obsessed with drugs, sex, video games, dieting, etc.

Last night I enjoyed a Thai dinner amongst new friends in Astoria.  Tonight, I am looking forward to coming home, researching the curriculum for the Food Network's Good Food Gardens while slowly simmering a stew or sauce (have not yet decided).  Tomorrow night, I would love to curl up with either Micheal Pollan or Alice Water's  new article about agriculture, the economy, and the future of our food system or perhaps finish watching Mondovino. Friday will consist of a small wine tasting and then the weekend is to be filled with friends, wine, food and the Lambertville/New Hope Winter Fest!  Food, food, FOOD (and wine, of course).

I love the social aspect of it.  I love the way we all sit around the table with plates and glasses and conversation - laughing, thinking, smiling, chewing.  I'm hungry to learn about other cultures and their dining customs.  I'm starving for someone to show me how to make cardamom ice cream or smoke a fish!   I eat alone almost every night because of Joe's schedule - but that allows me time to test new ingredients and fill up on some tricks.

I wake up every morning and rush to my kitchen window to see the moon.  I put on the hot water for my tea, do some stretching, and contemplate what I should eat throughout the day.  Perhaps this is a little obsessive - some girls think about their clothes, I think about lunch.  
What can I balance?  Am I feeling adventurous or something a little more comforting?  How about a cheese plate for breakfast - the red grapes I have would match perfectly with the fresh Tuscan I just purchased!  Yep, these are my daily thoughts! 

Right now, I'm actually running early for work (did my stretches, got ready, drinking my tea) and I am fiddling around on the computer not looking forward to the cold commute outside.  It's about 26 degrees and my studio is very cozy and inviting.  If I could work from home, I would in a heartbeat.   Someday I will - but right now, I need to get to where I must be.

Happy eating!

Monday, January 19, 2009


It has been snowing in New York for quite a while now.  Saturday night we watched as the crystals danced in the street lights sticking to our sidewalk and car.  We awoke Sunday morning to at least 2 inches.  This morning we again rose to about an inch and, presently, I have cancelled dinner plans because of the fine accumulation.

If I were a snowflake, I would be very content with this season.  Last year, I wouldn't have stood a chance in the extremes of warmth to well below freezing.  

If I were a snowflake, however, I would move to a different area. Queens is nice, but I would much rather drift amongst trees in a deep forest.  Somewhere only snowflakes can get lost and, alas, survive.  Somewhere neither man nor woman will tread upon and suffocate me.

If I were a snowflake, I would love to hear jazz all the time.  Jazz and winter go well together.  Perhaps I would be lucky enough to settle amongst the window of a lone cottage where a single musician inhabits.  He stoles away from the chaotic city and secludes himself amongst nature.  A quiet night until he picks up the sacs, trumpet, or piano.

I should miss drinking wine and whiskey, which pair well with a winters eve.  I should miss cooking against the warmth of a stove.  The aroma of roasted vegetables and game would turn me to a microscopic puddle. I should miss the spring, if I were a snowflake.  The thought of flower buds would make me sweat and I would not stand a chance.

Friday, January 16, 2009

They say to write when you have something to say

Tonight, only my eyes are watching the moon.  The clouds dance in the reflective light - beauty, peace, mystery.  

While not completely sure what tomorrow or the next day will bring, I am content in knowing time.  What I know of time is that it happens on its own and depends nothing on me.  

Sometimes we are unconsciously forced into faith.  Faith in God, faith in light, faith in the wind, faith in Obama, faith in faith.  At this point in my life, I am grateful for faith

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A few quick notes

My week has been extremely busy, but I had to jot these down before they slip my mind:

1. Joe and I noticed a blue light over the bananas in the supermarket. The only blue light in the supermarket, might I add. This gave the yellow bananas a greenish hue to trick us consumers into thinking they were almost ripe. Sneaky!!

2. City Winery, a new music venue/wine bar I brought my girlfriends to Friday night, is not my favorite place in the world. I'm not going to knock them because we did have a nice time, but I think they need to decide if they are a wine bar or an intimate music venue. In my opinion, if you are going to serve wine and food you are encouraging conversation - that is the purpose of wine and food, to bring people together - you can't them tell them to not talk because musicians are on stage. Don't get me wrong, I am all for respecting the performers (my boyfriend and 2 best friends are musicians), but there is a difference between listening and sharing your experience with your friends, and sitting in a theatre watching.

3. It's freaking cold and I need my AM coffee. I know I said I was going to work on giving it up, but I brought a small bottle of cinnamon into work and have been adding a dash to the cup o' joe. I have to admit, I love it and look forward to my warming treat every morning.

That should be it. There are tons of other fun, interesting, inspiring, and thought provoking topics, but time does not allow.

Stay warm!!

Friday, January 9, 2009

With wind in my face

It is freezing out. I mean, bone-shuttering-cold. And the only thought racing through my head while I'm running in this bitter frost is, "what the hell am I doing?!".

The obvious answer is: running. But what I'm actually doing is proving to myself that I can run a long distance and that the cold does not have to be my enemy.

You see, I've never been a fan of the winter. I've always considered myself to flourish creatively and spiritually when the weather is warm and sunny. I would prefer to sweat than freeze. Going outside is welcoming - cooking, gardening, playing. However, I'm starting to feel slightly different about the nipping breezes and dark skies. I find that the 20 degrees has been freezing my brain, allowing my mind to only ponder one thought at a time. That is delightful.

The runs are gradually getting longer, the nights colder, and I don't mind. I feel at peace.

Last night the moon was shining bright, above was clear, and the smell of snow was lingering around every block. I could actually see stars through the usually dense light pollution of the Flushing streets and distant city.

Yes... this is peace.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Cooking, Tasting and More Food: My last few hours of 2008 and the first few days of 2009

I don't even know where to begin.

Picture it. 6pm New Year's Eve. Myself, Joe, our two best friends, Justin & Lisa, and a lamb lolly-pop as our amuse bouche. Next thing I know, freshly made shrimp, veggies, cured meats and aromatic cheeses are spread on the table before me. I kept smelling the ripe clementines and gently popped them in my mouth to sip the juice from their pulpy flesh. The little neck clam brodetto was next with shaved bottarga sprinkled on top. I believe it wasn't until 12:05am when we sat down for the final course: t-bone steak, perfect potatoes, and succulent string beans. The dessert was a beautiful, moist and crispy pecan pie.

A job deliciously done by the team.

New Year's day and Friday consisted of nothing overly special - but that could be because we ate like royalty for 5 hours Wednesday eve.

And then Saturday, oh, Saturday. A late lunch filled with friends old and new!

I made my first hummus, created a pot of butternut squash soup, had the boys set up the anti-pasta platter, and got ready for company. Our dear friends, Ryan and Troy, brought wonderful cheeses and prosecco for belinis. Jess supplied a juicy Italian orange salad which sat perfectly on a pile of arugula.

We ate, drank wine and played dominoes as if the afternoon would never end.

Sadly, both lengthy meals did come to their close, but they are lingering in my memory.


Monday, January 5, 2009

9 Resolutions for 2009!

1. Keep up with FDA regulations and new food products. *As a follow up to an earlier post about the sweetener stevia, read this article.

2. Update Media Harvest every other day. *Be on the look out for the New Years Eve recap, New Years Brunch, and my experience at Danny Brown's restaurant and wine bar.

3. Run, run, RUN!

4. Read, read, READ!

5. Look, listen and observe.

6. Drink more water (as I just took a sip of morning coffee).

7. Curse less (much less).

8. Give my style a face lift.

9. Pray and love more.

HAPPY 2009!!!