Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A Kitchen For 2 Even When It's Only 1

I was surprised heading home last week when my boyfriend, Joseph, told me over the phone that he had made turkey burgers.

"Fantastic!", I thought, "I wont have to cook, but I'm sure I'll have clean up".

Nope! I returned home to a surprisingly clean kitchen - which to me was even better than hearing the bulk of dinner had been prepared. I began to ponder what to make as a side.

Searching through my cupboards I felt a pang of loneliness knowing that Joe wouldn't be home until I way after dinner (he works nights and I work days). And then, like a slap from God, I saw them! Those beautiful, small, awkward shaped sweet potatoes - SWEET POTATO FRIES!
Without skipping a beat I was at the cutting board, rinsing, and "sticking" my soon to be plush fries. While cutting the starches into careful sticks, I couldn't help but to think Joe was there with me.

Now... for seasoning! What would Joe like? I grabbed the curry, cumin, and cayenne without a second thought, and began tossing the sweet pots in a bowl with a bit of olive oil. Next, I lay them over tin foil and placed them in the preheated 450* oven. During those 20-25 minutes, my mouth was salivating as I anticipated the comfort food!

Finally they were ready and for the first time, after many lonely dinners, I didn't feel so bad. Even if you can't be together in person, it is possible in fork and mouth!

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