Sunday, September 27, 2009

Wine and Joe's Birthday Dinner

This weekend has proven to be fairly busy!

Yesterday we pressed our grapes and brought the juice home in our demijon. We actually had to syphen some of the garnet liquid into a 5 gallon bucket to make transportation easier. After we got it down to the basement and on the counter we were able to syphen the bucket back into the demijon. A complete project that I know will be well worth it in the end.

Last night I took Joe for his first hibachi experience. I haven't been to a hibachi table in years which made all these wonderful, fun memories re-enter. He had a great time and wants to go back today!

It amazed us how talented these chefs truly are! Their knife skills, speed, and control are beyond impressive. Watching this as a culinary person really allowed me to appreciate their craft as art and not just some fancy dinner show.

Bravo, hibachi!!

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