Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Hemp Milk

Hemp Milk may be my new favorite fridge item. No doubt it has a large price tag, so when I find it on sale, I load up. It has this interesting earthy and nutty flavor to it that is somewhat similar to soy milk. Soy, while delicious, has been proven to cause ovarian cysts when consumed regularly.

I haven't gotten the hang of drinking hemp milk by the glass full just yet, but it is the perfect compliment to my morning coffee, cereal, and even baking needs. It is packed with natural omega 3's, protein, fiber, and is low in cholesterol and sodium.

Here is how to make your own (notice, it's not actually milk but ground hemp seeds and water):

1 cup hemp seeds (shelled)
5-6 cups of purified water
Natural Sweetener, such as Agave Nectar or Raw Honey
Recipe Makes: 6-7 cups

Combine the water and the Shelled Hemp Seeds in a blender. Use more water to achieve a skim milk consistency and less water to produce a heavier cream consistency of the milk.

Turn blender on high for 2-3 minutes, or until you reach your desired consistency. (I use the VitaMix™ brand blender)

After blending you can sweeten the milk by adding: Organic Agave Nectar, raw honey, or Organic Vanilla. Blend again to mix sweetener. You can drink it thick or strain it through cheese cloth to remove the large seed particles. The seed pulp can then be used as an excellent body scrub, facial mask or compost.

It will stay fresh for 3 days in the refrigerator in a sealed glass container (mason jar). Shake well before each use.

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