Monday, February 15, 2010

So much to say...

For not having any solid Valentines day plans, my sweetheart and I certainly found our way around some darling dishes.

We took Saturday morning and afternoon easy and then decided to venture into the city with only Bleecker area in mind. After walking around the freezing cold for about twenty minutes, my hunger started growing and my nose running. We walked down MacDougal Street and I noticed a familiar awning I had seen only in pictures. The black and white mermaid was immediately recognizable: The Mermaid Oyster Bar. It was only 5:30 and they were having their $1 bar oysters!

Now, neither of us really know anything about oysters aside from the fact that we aren't huge fans. However, the restaurant seemed promising and the mood was welcoming and cozy. We sat at a small bar table by the window and had our waiter guide us through three fantastic beginners: Kumamoto (California), Shibumi (Washington State), & Island Creek (Massachusets).

What we learned is that West Coast oysters are have a more buttery texture and are sweet in flavor, where as East Coast-ers are more briny. However, all three went down extremely well with our bloody mary.

While tempted to stay, we moved on to dinner at Chez Jacqueline. The zuppe di poison was remeniscent of France and Mike's goat cheese salad was earthy and fresh. I then had the pork with roasted garlic and he had the lamb shank. Soooo good and for $60/person, was not a bad deal at all.

I have to say, though we called it an early night, both places were spectacular in all aspects ambiance, food, and service. I couldn't have asked for a better weekend or a better partner.

I have so much to write about... but I'll leave you with that for now. Cheers!

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