Tuesday, January 11, 2011

...Nope, just me

I hate to admit this but I've been having a major problem being single. I find it difficult to cook for one, when I open a bottle of wine I (most of the time) drink the whole thing (usually not the best of ideas but sometimes not the worse), and when I come home and want to talk to someone... well, I can't. On the other hand, I've been having a great time with my friends and even the occasional alone time is quite comforting.

When I came home from the holidays I was extremely depressed. All of this love and time spent with family and Lambertville friends was suddenly ripped from me. There I was, smack back in a reality that was both lonely and exhausting. I cried on the inside often and every once in a while a tear would sneak its way down my cheek.

Like I said, I'm not proud admitting all of this - it's actually quite embarrassing. I really wish I was one of those people who could just let things roll off my shoulders and go with the flow. I try so hard, I promise I do. But this season is super difficult and I have to face it.

So this morning when I got to work, I read this and it made me feel much better. There is a lot going for me right now and I need to focus on the positive. If I let this or that get me down everything I've worked my butt off for will come crumbling down. I can't let this happen. I don't need a man to hang up my art work or mirrors, I need a power drill; I don't need a man to tell me I look smashing in that dress, I know I do; I don't need a man to run with me or go wine tasting with me or shuck oysters with me or cook with me... clearly I can do all of these on my own.

So, I guess it's time I really start!

1 comment:

TMC said...

now, now, keep your head up, pretty lady. :)