Monday, October 13, 2008

More Schools and Food

This time, from the Washington Post.

I think this is a strong example of the debate between banning treats all together v. having treats every once in a while. I don't really know why we ever started rewarding ourselves with food, we are not dogs and there are tons of other ways to encourage and reward good behavior or high test scores. (Some examples: books, school supplies, extra study hall time... to name a few)

Sweets are not the problem - the problem is over eating. If we eat these treats simply because they are available at a cheaper cost, then consumption becomes access-habit and no longer an enjoyment. Pastries, cakes, ice cream, etc are an artform on their own and we should teach children (and ourselves) to consume such delacies in moderation and for the right causes.

Obviously this article goes beyond desserts and also talks about pizzas, fries, etc.

My basic point: Adults need to practice healthy consumption habits if they expect children to do the same.

Munch down on this article...

Slimming Down Schools: A la Carte Menus, Parents Often Thwart Cafeteria Makeovers
By Lori Aratani

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