Friday, October 17, 2008

World Food Day

Before the financial crisis hit headlines, a study reported that malnutrition will be affecting almost 1 Billion people around the globe. With the huge increase of food over the past months and now another increase threatens even more people in danger of starvation and other malacies.

Please read and/or listen to this full story from Democracy Now.

For those of us who are blessed with food at the table every day and night, it wouldn't hurt to be a little more mindful of how much you are consuming and how much you should appreciate your bounty. Don't "bite off more than you can chew" and heap your plate from the table to the ceiling. While you are picking apples and pumpkins with family and friends or enjoying a harvest, consider donating some of the fresh produce to a local soup kitchen or shelter.

There are little things we can do that will relieve even the tiniest bit of pressure from a struggling family. At the end of the day, our communities must be our extended families. Greed and corruption got us into this mess and I honestly believe only good will can put us back on track.

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