Friday, October 10, 2008


I feel as though it has taken months, even years to create this website. Mostly due to the fact that there are just too many things that interest my little brain! While this isn't a terrible aspect of my character, it does make honing in on what I really want to do and who I truly want to be a tad bit difficult.

Without taking too much time to introduce you to my intentions, as you will see they are pretty straight forward with my postings, I would like to address a few points of motivation:

1. Living and working in New York City for the past few years has formed me into a new person. I am constantly on the go, witnessing all different kinds people and their habits. Experiencing the premiere platforms for news, advertising and entertainment. Every day is exciting, thrilling, frightening, and all together inspiring.

2. Growing up in a small town (the population was 4,000 soaking wet) I was raised with being close to our neighbors, knowing everything about everyone (vise versa), and always wanting to break away from my sheltered youth. Looking back now, however, I find that I wasn't nearly as claustrophobic as I had perceived myself to be. My appreciation for the history, fine food, art, music, friends, family, gardens, farmland, etc, etc, keeps me going back for more and seeking out those values here in New York.

3. There is just too much for me not to want to talk. I read everything from the New York Times to SELF magazine. I listen to everything from NPR to The Cure. I watch everything from the 2008 Presidential Debates to Gossip Girl. And, lucky for you who reads, I want to share them and all of my opinions that go along with.

More importantly - I want to hear back from you. My opinions are only that: opinions. In this day and age we really have no other option than to be open minded and respectful of others thoughts, beliefs and ways of life. If I've learned anything in my life it is that there is a reason for everything... while we may not always agree, we must try to understand.

I hope that these postings spark ideas and conversations - a friendly harvest, if you will.

Bon Apetit!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So far I am really enjoying the blog - but I have to disagree with you on one point. Your brain is not little.!! I can't wait to read everything else that's in store :)