Wednesday, October 22, 2008

YouTube and Copyright Infringement

Look at the onion I pulled out this morning!

While listening to WNYC on my way to the train, I heard a very interesting report regarding copyright infringement, YouTube, and the Obama/McCain Campaigns.

Apparently the campaigns have been taking fragments from network news reports (CBS, etc) and using them in ads that they are now distributing on YouTube. Illegal? Um, without a doubt! Not only are they editing clips, but some are completely out of context. This clip-and-paste campaigning is extremely deceitful to the public (who's trust is already scraping the bottom) and is the reason for "gotcha-journalism".

I wasn't able to listen to the entire report (still searching for the online link rigth now), but did hear that the McCain campaign is fighting back and I believe the Obama campaign pulled the ad. I'm not saying that either candidate is better than the other for even trying to get away with this. In fact, I think it's a slap in the face to all of the media corporations and users that have to follow the same laws. It is not that time consuming to get the rights to use material from other sources ESPECIALLY if you are running for President.

I will be following this issue very closely and will keep you all updated. Please read the following article and op-ed to get the gist of the situation and how important this issue is.

Groups Ask Networks, YouTube to Altar Take Down Protocol By Stephanie Condon,

Copyright and Politics Don't Mix By Lawrence Lessig, NY Times

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