Monday, November 9, 2009

Forcing Insight

I'm exhausted. Physically and emotionally exhausted.

I don't know what the heck happened in the month of October but I am left with nothing to offer. While there are people across the world starving and suffering, here I am wallowing over a crab and quail egg dinner. Shame on me.


I haven't been able to write what I love about because my words are beginning to feel mundane and redundant. Does anyone really care what I had for dinner? Yes, people care about the gardens but I have been uninvolved lately because work and my personal life have taken over the 24 hours I have.

I was on the Culinary Corps website today and read through each page. I finally felt something I haven't felt in weeks: yearning. I was literally lifted off of my seat while reading their projects that range from menu development to kitchen training to school garden construction and education. I can't believe I've been too selfish with my time to get back involved! Thankfully I have a meeting with Sarah this week so hopefully we can really get more Good Food Garden initiatives rolling.

What I'm trying to say is that I'm forcing insight because I know this is what I need right now. Vanity is not the answer, nor is weeping and wallowing. I need to do what my mother always told me: pull yourself up by the boot straps and start helping other people. Get your ass into the kitchen, get your hands dirty, and start!!

Thanks, Ma! That's just what I'm going to do.

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