Thursday, November 12, 2009

Tea & Me (perhaps you too!)

What I'm loving right now are hints of floral and earthy aromas in my tea.

When I was browsing the impressive (and slightly overwhelming) tea selection at the Queens Health Emporium, I came upon Numi's Green Tea with Jasmine. I could barely wait to brew a cup and experience whatever steeps.

To my delightful surprise, the jasmine actually has a familiar gardenia scent. I've had jasmine in the past and remember it being slightly more dark in flavor. Regardless, it is delicious and it warmed me right up.

There is something about tea and timing. If you are in a mood, the right cup of tea can calm your nerves and soothe your soul. It will bring you to that quiet place within ourselves which we all need every so often.

One piece of advise I will share is to only let your bag steep for several minutes. There is a fine line between "just right" and "bitter". I believe this lesson goes well beyond tea...

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