Monday, September 13, 2010


I'm not naive enough to think I'm the only person to ever suffer from lack of stamina. Quite frankly, I don't think it's lack of stamina as much as lack of time!

Mike has started his new job and establishing himself in our new town. While we're still looking for an apartment in Montclair, I can't help but what wonder what my next big move will be. Yes, the marathon. Yes, the Mother Earth News Fair event. Yes, cooking. Yes, writing. But when will I be able to combine these passions into what-I-do?

Perhaps, it does all come down to stamina. If you want something bad enough, you have to dedicate yourself to it. I want to run this marathon - therefore, I need to train hard. I want to be a writer - therefore, I must write every day. I want to get my yoga teaching certification - therefore, I must put in the time. I want... therefore I must... That's it.

My favorite things to cook are soups and sauces. You have to be mindful when you are layering flavors because if you aren't, they will be ruined. It may not be tedious measuring or following intricate steps in a recipe, but it is about smart experimentation. What works for you, works for the soup or sauce. But you must be constantly observant and focused.

If I were to define the role stamina plays in my life, this would be it. The way I make soups and sauces is how I have to focus on my own life and my career. I must be mindful. I must be smart.

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