Wednesday, September 8, 2010

What I think about when I think about running

I cannot run with music. Music, for me, is too nostalgic and doesn't allow me to focus on the here and now, but on a time when I was doing something other than running.

When I set out for my runs, I have no idea what I'm thinking. "Ok, I'll go 8 miles... or maybe 6... I wonder what the air smells like today... If I get a cramp, it's ok to stop and stretch." These and millions of others rush through. But then I hit the pavement (or sidewalk) and I only think about my posture.

It is supposed to rain today so the contrast from one side of the sky to the other was great. Deep indigo lays over Manhattan while a bright sun poking through a feathered blue sky dances through the foliage on the street. As I said the other morning, this is magical.

I begin to meditate on life and how to live to my fullest. I approach Prospect Park and it occurs to me that after the NYC Marathon I probably won't run here for a very long time. My bags will be packed come December 1st and I'll have a new home in New Jersey. So, the question rises again, "how am I to live to my fullest potential while being both successful and happy".

The age old balancing act.

However, I am not in New Jersey right now and I have a great job on The Electric Company. No, right now, I am in Prospect Park and my legs feel like cinderblocks. There must be about 200 dogs running through the open fields. It is as if I came upon a secret society - they are prancing around in all of their canine glory. Sprinting, jumping, peeing, pooping, playing.

Some of my friends get upset when a dog is off their leesh... I personally don't mind. In fact, seeing these dogs makes me think of Jake, but I don't get sad I just envision him running right next to me occasionally looking up for approval to go join the group. "Go ahead", I'd say to him with a but-you-come-right-back tone.

Anyway, I'm back home now. Of course my legs loosened up as I was mentally finishing. The most important thing for me to remember now as the marathon is less than two months away (yikes!), is NUTRITION. I'm not a super hero, nor am I a vegetarian anymore (woops!). Eggs, goat cheese, an english muffin, and coffee. Honestly, I hate admitting that I need coffee... I don't need it, but I love it too much.

There you have it... that's what I think about when I run... Sometimes.

I know this hasn't really been media-centered the past few days, but it's coming, I promise. Right now I'm marathon-minded so please bare with me.

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