Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Oh, I'm back alright!

Quite the hiatus, I must say. But I'm back and I have lots to talk about!

Between training for the NYC Marathon, working on my article for Gastronomica Magazine, creating a Food Sensory presentation for the Mother Earth News Fair, working on The Electric Company, and eating (a lot!), life has been pulling me into a million different directions. The birth of my niece, Faith, and the passing of my grandmother, Evelyn, has forced me to really take life by the balls and figure out my next step. I didn't think I could write anymore... and then realized that was bull because I'm meant to write.

I admit, cooking has not been top on my list in these hot months. My lovely apartment is truly better in the fall, winter, and spring when I don't need an AC. All though I have made more gazpacho then I ever thought I'd be able to consume. The garden my landlords put in is in full bloom and has offered up a truckload of sungold heirloom tomatoes, swiss chard, sunflowers, and herbs.

Aside from our own plot, my coworkers also brings in treats. Paul shares garlic from his garden upstate and Ryan has figs daily from her landlords tree. Holy crap. These are true testaments to fresh-is-better. I savor every moment I get to spend with this unbelievably powerful produce and feel like the luckiest girl in the world. Seriously, the nectar which oozes out of the figs is like nothing I've ever experienced.

A lot of what made me stop writing is the idea that I didn't feel qualified to talk about any of this. I felt under qualified for a while and couldn't fathom anyone caring what I had to say.

And then something happened the past few weeks. I realized I am qualified to talk about food because food is for everyone. I don't need a degree to know how to eat. There are so many articles, claims, advertisements, TV shows, stores, and whatever, telling us how and what to eat, that we've forgotten.

When I first started this blog it was to bring some of this media to light and to make sense of it. Well, I'm back and I'm ready.

Hope y'all are ready!


Unknown said...

I care what you have to say! I've missed reading your posts. Glad you're back to writing Kendra :-)

Media Farmer said...

Thank you so much Stephanie! It really means the world to me having your support!